A Little More Wisdom

It's the Little Things That Matter

As a parent, it's the little things that matter. Your baby's little giggles, little steps and little sniffles.

12 Things to Know About Bundling Up Baby this Winter

Written by Cathy Hale on February 1st, 2016

The air is cold and crisp. The leaves have fallen and the days have grown shorter. Perhaps a few stray flurries are gently falling to the ground as the sun peeks out from behind the clouds.

Little Coughs fevers

Crazy Parenting Tips That Actually Work

Written by Cathy Hale on January 25th, 2016

At Little Remedies®, we love interacting with our customers, especially when they share their sage advice with us. Once you have children, you realize that it does “take a village” to raise a child.


Tips for Sleep Training Your Baby

Written by Cathy Hale on January 21st, 2016

If you didn’t do math problems in your head pre-baby, you’re probably an expert on various sleep equations by now. Sleep is just one of those things that consumes your brain as a mom, especially a new mom. In fact, I remember wondering if my first son was getting too much sleep. What ...

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Getting a Healthy Kick with Kale

Written by Cathy Hale on January 18th, 2016

If we had to pick a food celebrity for 2015, I would say Kale is champ. As you’ve probably noticed, it’s now front-and-center in the veggie aisle alongside its famous relative, spinach.

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Top 3 Baby Thermometers

Written by Cathy Hale on January 14th, 2016

Funny things happen to you when you’re living the #MomLife, especially when you’re a new mom with babies. You find yourself obsessed with things you probably never thought about pre-baby like diapers, spit-up, pee and poop. Another item that might get stuck in your mom brain is finding the right thermometer.

Little Coughs fevers

The ABC's of Tummy Time for Babies

Written by on September 7th, 2015

While the concept of tummy time seems basic, the act of encouraging your baby to spend time on her tummy is extremely important. This is how she will develop her head, neck, shoulder and arm muscles, which will build her motor skills. She'll use these muscles to roll over, sit up, crawl and eventually ...

little tummys

Strategies To Help Your Baby Sleep At Night

Written by Cathy Hale on September 3rd, 2015

If you feel like you’ve been ignoring your oh-so-comfy bed lately, you’re not alone. It’s one of the first things you learn as a new parent. You. Miss. Sleeping. (Yawn!)


Babies 101: Herbal Supplement Can Soothe a Colicky Baby Babies cry

Written by Cathy Hale on August 31st, 2015

That's just the way it is. As we've discussed on this blog, babies cry for all sorts of reasons, so that means we find ourselves adding a new role to our resume – interpreter! In addition to being spit-up wipers, burping pros, diaper dash winners, impromptu singing sensations and bottle-warming superstars, we're professional baby translators.

products little tummys

Figuring Out Food Allergies in Babies

Written by Cathy Hale on July 23rd, 2015

Introducing your baby to “solid” food is an exciting stage in their growth and development, but it can also introduce new stress to your daily routine if your baby has food allergies.

products little tummys

5 Things You Should Know About Colic

Written by Cathy Hale on July 22nd, 2015

When your infant is smiling, cooing and sleeping well, parenting feels magical. On the flip side, if your baby cries uncontrollably for hours at a time, it can make you feel helpless and desperate for answers. Am I doing something wrong? Is something wrong with my baby?

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