Motherhood is an exciting journey full of sweet moments, unexpected surprises and, of course, laughter. Toddlers are notorious comedians with their funny quirks and emerging personalities. They tend to do and say things in their own special way, reminding you that your are living the #momlife.
It goes without saying that babies and toddlers are always delighting you with well-timed insight and amusing behavior. I remember when my older son was a toddler he was fascinated with the gorgeous Texas skies. He called the sun a "bright ball" and he always heard us encouraging him to look at the pretty sunsets. But when he excitedly screamed out one evening in a very crowded restaurant, "Ball set!! Ball set!!" it sounded more like ""Bullsh*t!" We turned twenty shades of red and we could not stop laughing! We found ourselves explaining what he was really saying to complete strangers who happened to be sitting near us. In his toddler mind, it made perfect sense. The "ball" was setting. Ah, the funny and sometimes embarrassing moments we endure livin' the mom life!
At Little Remedies, we reached out to our wonderful mommy fans and asked them to share some of their funniest mommy moments. Here’s what they had to say:
- “When my daughter wants to dress herself, but has to take out every piece of clothing from her dressers to make a decision…that’s #momlife
- “I have a three year old and a newborn, walking around my house is like a obstacle course and I don't even remember what folded laundry looks like. I wouldn't trade it for anything.”
- “My son likes to dump his Lego box all over the floor and even after cleaning them up, I step on one.”
- “My 8 month old is always unpacking the diaper bag and she is always doing a mess on my living room and then super mom has to pick up everything and pack it again..mom moments to enjoy!”
- #MomLife is having more water outside the tub at bath time than inside it.”
- “Mom life is when your kids recreate Titanic in your bathroom, make a skate park out of their bedroom, become Picasso with the walls, and somehow spread one M&M everywhere, yet they go to bed and wake up to repeat...and you still LOVE them...so much it hurts!!! That's a day full of #momlife moments for me!”
- “I pump at work and as a teacher, I am a bag lady as it is. I managed to walk down 4 flights of stairs with the WRONG cooler -2 bottles of breast milk. I ended up eating my lunch on the car ride home.” #momlife and #teacherlife
- My #momlife is not just a moment, but everyday life with unfinished wash, unfinished dishes, sweeping, mopping, cooking, cleaning, being a personal nurse and chauffeur to 5 kiddos.... But I wouldn't change it for a thing!!!”
What’s your best #momlife moment? Share it with us on facebook!